This site contains yaoi, slash, and shounen-ai contents. Please be sure to read all warnings before venturing forth. If you don't like it or if you're not supposed to be here, then please LEAVE.
(not that anyone really cares)
Name - Cho Sa
Age - 20 going on 80 - some years (I'm getting old)
Location - U S of A
Occupation - Seeking
I'm a lazy booking reading, laptop hogging, anime/manga chugging, slash-o-halic! I'm also an amatuer photographer so if anyone nearby is looking for some one to take free pictures of them.. oh I am the person for you. I can take any kind of pictures... or so I would like to think. If you're interested in seeing some of my work, just check out my gallery. The link is located below some where. But please, I ask, do not take any of my pictures and try and pass them off as yours. My days are spent surfing the web for slashy fics to read and my nights are spent cramming and studying for college. I'm currently studing Japanese... and I cringe to say this, but I wish I had paid more attention in my Arabic lessons. I write some fanfiction but I'm very lazy so I tend not to update as fast as some would like. Hmm... maybe I should say that I'm an amatuer writer too?
Moving around this site is fairly simple- just read and follow directions please. This is not meant to be anything complicated or fancy.
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My Original Writing
Yaoi * Slash
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